| - May 8th, 2018 will be the first anniversary since Midas/SpeeDee of Scottsdale and owner Gregory Scott Milan damaged the transmission of my 2000 Lincoln LS. The past year has brought stress and aggravation, a little shock and awe, and even some humor, albeit dark. We can fast forward past the adding of trans fluid to the engine, the unbelievable mess dumping fluids everywhere, or even the accusations from the owner that I robbed his store as some sort of retaliation for bad service. Instead, let us focus on the fact that they improperly flushed and refilled the transmission, only adding 3.5 of the 9.5 required quarts, resulting in a $2000 rebuild. This may have been avoided had Midas and Gregory Milan taken better steps to ensure a proper execution of services, at greater than subpar levels. After suffering drivability issues the next day, I attempted to reach the owner who refused any assistance or to even look at the car. The owner did offer to reimburse the cost of service, which I sincerely believe was an attempt to relieve his facility from any further liability. I then had the vehicle towed to a transmission repair facility and was informed that the improper service and its operation had caused permanent damage requiring a rebuild. I continued to reach out to Midas and Gregory Milan but following the refund he assumed no responsibility and would no longer respond to calls or emails. I was left with no other choice but to file a lawsuit in small claims court, of which I won, despite the fact Gregory Milan perjured himself under oath. He claimed during court proceedings that he possessed ASE Certifications, of which the ASE organization in response to my inquiry stated, "...they have no records for Gregory Scott Milan nor does he possess any ASE Certifications." I attempted to reopen the court case but was denied. Unfortunately, Michael K Jeanes (Clerk of Courts), finds this egregious infraction unworthy of enforcement. I also reached out to Midas Corporate, but they refused to intervene, citing that Gregory Milan is the owner and Midas Corporate has, "...nothing to do with them." Except of course, for the name and monthly franchise fees/royalties. To that end, I would encourage any individual looking to do business with Gregory Scott Milan, Midas, SpeeDee, or Big O Tires, to take note and find other more suitable facilities to do business with. These businesses, and owners like Gregory Milan, are a blight on the small business community and the consumers who utilize their facilities are the ones who ultimately suffer. Avoiding these people and their businesses, might save you from months of grief, aggravation, and unnecessary financial expense. *NOTE: As of 4/8/18, Greg Milan has paid some but not all his owed balance. ZERO STARS!