It's a cool concept, and really a great place to take the family, kids and all. It is kind of a haul to get to, but it's worth it...from time to time. It's spacious and has an authentic old west vibe, complete with cowboys, cowgirls, and rednecks with money. It's nice that they give you the option to eat buffet-style or just order a big juicy burger for $5. The bullriding, though not my thing, was a nice touch. The WTF moment of the night happened though when the bullride MC asked everyone to bow their heads and pray to Jesus. Uhhhh hello? I didn't sign up to go to church, and I don't think it's cool to push YOUR religious beliefs onto a crowd of people who just showed up to eat and watch some live entertainment. That was weird. The rest of my experience was enjoyable though.