I love this place. I joined on the one month unlimited intro price, and by the end of of the month I was hooked. I now frequent this place 3-4 times a week. I find instructors are consistently good. I love heat, and probably only once I felt the class was too humid. The temperature always seems to be just right for me. The night classes do get packed sometimes, but I do not feel I was ever mat to mat, there is always space between participants so you do all your poses. Front desk people are quite friendly, so if you are looking for a quality hot yoga class, def check this place out. If I have to look for smth that needs improvement, probably that would be mats where you leave your boots before you go o change rooms - in wet weather they get soaked, and you have to do a bit of jumping and hopping around to keep your socks dry (or take them off!) :)