I just found my favorite pizza joint in Phoenix.
Without a doubt when my teeth sank into the awesome slice of Sicilian style pizza I knew I was coming back, and I was bringing more people with me. I am at a loss for words when it comes to that 4 sided piece of heaven.
The mix of chewy and hot, crunchy and smooth all mixed together in such a wonderful manner becomes the canvas of the artisan. There are hundreds of ways to do pizza, and only a few ways to do it right. These guys hit the target. The crust was strong, the cheese was delightful, and the sauce supported its cast of sausage, pepperoni and spices like an oscar winner.
For lunch I don't think this place has anyone in their league. Quick service, solid menu, salads that make even this meat lover think twice about what to order; this place made us smile as our eyes wondered about the room seeing what others ordered taking mental notes for future visits.