Headed to Dukes to watch the Montana football game as they have a satellite they show the game with. The past few years we have been fortunate enough to see the game at home on Root Sports or Altitude. This is one of the weeks the game was on neither. So off to Dukes we trekked from Glendale. First of all when the game is on at noon you should not be waiting till noon to find your satellite feed. As we have gone sporadically in the past 5 years this has become the norm. Wait till noon to find the game. Spend the entire 1st quarter trying to find the game. Someone finally hooks their computer up and we see 30 seconds of game and 10 minutes of buffering. Don't plan on watching the game if you are expecting to. The owner should be offering a discount to all who sat there that ordered food and drinks. Not my idea of watching a game at a sports bar. I will say the food and drinks were great as usual. Believe me I have eaten there more than once without being able to see the game. I also see you have removed all the booths and put in foosball tables leaving
even less seating. Might I suggest moving your pool tables into that same room and putting all those tables into the middle room which is much lighter and would provide more seating . Also you might want to think about upgrading your satellite if you are going to consider yourself a site for Montana football.