Honestly, my haircut is so fabulous that it pains me to write this review. I am scared that if everyone discovers the magic that happens at B2B then I will no longer be able to experience the wizardry of James personally. But, I guess that wouldn't be very fair or very nice. I had been reading and hearing about B2B for quite some time, and when I felt my previous stylist was starting to slip, I decided it was time to give James a whirl. I am so happy I did. Not only was my haircut cheaper, it was meticulous and thoughtful. He really thought about how to cut my hair, or at least he pretended to be thinking very convincingly. In the words of James: "Cool." I feel stylish and savvy. Know before you go that it might not be your typical spa/salon experience. There's a cadre of young Asian blokes that hang in the foyer, and the interior is pretty bare. Still, I'd rather save my money for my personal home décor and not pay for a cut that is subsidizing a fancy floor plan. I'll be back!