This is pricey. Really pricey. However, the businesses they can bring to your door! Its like having a new place to get take out from every time!
My friends and i have returned to this option a number of times, usually when everyone is confident of having the money to pay for what they'd like. The most difficult part is getting everyone to decide on a place. They could not do split orders amongst various restaurants. Which is understandable but can be frustrating when one person is dead set on Thai and another wants Tex-Mex.
Soda prices are incredibly high. Apparently the driver stops by Circle K (or other store) and purchases the drinks out of pocket. It is understandable that they'd want to get reimbursed, but the prices are so much.
Nonetheless, every once in a while, it is the perfect choice. Especially when pizza and sandwiches have become unpalatable because you see the delivery guy elsewhere and think he's a friend...until you realize why you recognize him!