I've been to this shop a handful of times over the years. I don't live near here but manage to be in that area for one reason or another. Today I chose them because they opened at 9am. They got me right in. I had gel on and wanted gel again. The lady didn't say anything except what color did I want. I asked to see what they had.
Now I've been getting my nails done for over 21 years. This was by far an experience I will not forget. The tech kept tapping, yanking, flicking at my hands to get them at different angles. Was she new?? I've never had someone do this before. I don't know but it got old very quick and I finally told her I've never had someone give this much direction during a manicure before, she didn't answer.
Besides this, she was a dirty tech. Most techs use a paper towel when they remove the gel and toss the old gel color in the trash. She didn't. Most techs ask if you want your nails cut down before they cut down low. She didn't. Most techs throw away the nail clippings before they start applying new polish. She didn't. Right before she started polishing, there was some of the old gel polish sticking to my hand. I went to flick it off and she grabbed my hand and said "no". I was going to leave at that point. I wish I would have.
The new gel polish took 4 coats. 3 has been my max, but I never heard of this dna brand polish, maybe that's the usual? But that's to much UV light exposure than I'd like. I don't hold the tech responsible for that.
Anyways, before I was finished I was treated to my fingers getting caught in her bracelet during the hand massage.
I will not go back.