I procrastinated long enough on reviewing my lil gem of a Japanese supermarket. Being the only one in Charlotte that I know of, with a great selection and clean shop, I can't stop myself from loading up my cart n even buying a takoyaki pan. From Hawaii, I've bn missing my Asian roots so this peace of heaven hits the spot alright. It's a shop that everyone in NC has to at least visit once to get a whiff of Japan, especially the snack aisle. The only thing that was missing was the Japanese "soft" flour that I was so hoping to find there but it was sold out. That's a "must find" for baking a super soft Japanese cake. I hope they'll restock it someday. So funny but when I use to shop NJ's Edgewater Mitsuwa or Broad Ave HMart, I'd whizz thru quickly but with lil Hatoya being so precious I wish I could be a chameleon hiding on the wall. Now only if I could find my takoyaki recipe!