Maria you said Nadine uses the same formula.if she did then my hair should of came out like it came out the rest of the times.!You said you looked over the security footage and saw me pull my hair back to with my glasses?you're a guys did not offer me any satisfaction you tried to pass me off with a 15 dollar hydration "sample" that didn't work cause it wasn't the rite product to help with your mistake.I don't even wear glasses and I'd like to see that security footage. The last two times I went to Nadine my hair was fine this time it didn't turn out so good. I want to know what's got you so puzzled about this?you saw me in person and saw the pictures it's clear My hair was burnt off and fried!.also in your footage you can see that Nadine is all over the place doing more than one customer at a me that's not very professional.You said she used the same formula as the last couple of times Id like to see the proof too. Because if she did everything she did the last times, then my hair should've been fine and came out like it came out the last couple of times. She had me sitting under a hard product and the dryer for way too long and it burnt and fried my hair off that is her fault.Why don't you look at your security footage again I think you missed'll be able to see I did not wear glasses with my hair pulled back.