I decided to try a new place. Shouldn't have. I was cut so bad on my pedi. I literally currently have my meat on my toe ( by the side of my nail) coming out. He didn't clean up my cuticle. He fully cut a piece of skin off. It hurt. Not sure how he didn't see a piece of skin on his cutters after. But I didnt know how bad it was til I got home. It still hurts and it's been 4 days. I'm pouring alcohol and peroxide on it every day. Neosporin etc. it's ridiculous. I have never had such a big wound. A small cut sure but not this. Not how I wanted this to have gone. I just needed to relax and instead I get wounded.
Update Note 1- it's over a week after I went in and my toe is still very sore. I think infected. Using peroxide and alcohol every day multiple times.
Update note 2: Had doctor look at toe 2 weeks later at my follow up - it was indeed infected.