UNRELIABLE AND INCONSIDERATE! If you are interested in paying a deposit to guarantee your appointment only to have it rescheduled twice and cancelled twice this is the place for you!!! I had an appointment with Susie the owner Tuesday at 9 am she asked me if she was able to push it back to 12 because she had to go to court. The day before I texted her to confirm and she pushed it back AGAIN to 2 pm. Did I mention the was the day before and she never texted me to inform me she was changing my appointment. Tuesday @1136 she calls and cancels saying her car wouldn't start. Day 1 wasted! I decided to give it another try and scheduled for Saturday at 4pm. Susie called me at 5am to see if I could come in earlier and if I didn't have to work that would have been fine. I showed up at 4pm only to find out someone else would be doing my hair because Susie's family was in town for the weekend and she took a half day! I had spoken to her at 5am and there was no mention of this. I was very uncomfortable. I had to ask her for some type of accommodation and she offered $50 off to come in at 6am the following day. Fine. So 0530 she text me to tell me she woke up late and wanted to reschedule the appointment for 0630. That's fine. 0551 I get a text stating her car wouldn't start . Guess what followed .... another cancellation!!!!! Did I mention I payed a deposit?! Anyways she offered to do my hair due to the many inconveniences and refunded my deposit which should have been done when she cancelled the first time. Long story short my hair is in a ponytail and I leave for vacation this in 3 days!