The only reason I am holding back the 4th or 5th star for my rating is because this is one extremely crowded Trader Joe's. I started going to Trader's back in Massachusettes and they were always busy, but this location services a very heavily congested and populated area. The lack of parking, long lines, and inability to zip in and out to grab my Two Buck Chuck or Asian Stir Fry aggravates me to the point where I second guess how badly I want to go. I have even tried going off peak hours, but to no avail.
That being said thiis is my favorite grocery store next to good old dependab le Harris Teeter. You just can't beat their prices of helathy, good for you, good tasting food. You won't find many of their products anywhere else, because they are Trader Joe's orginals. The staff is borderline disturbingly cheerful, helpful, and knowledgeable. If I could just shut down this particular location for my own personal shopping trips I would go more frequently. I have never tried anything here and not liked it...that's pretty hard to say, but even if I did they have idiculous return policy that welcomes back even opened food!