Be prepared when you come to Publix. And I don't mean just having your reusable bags ready.
Be prepared to be greeted cheerfully by pretty much every person working there. Be prepared for clean and brightly lit aisles and picture-perfect shelves and plump fresh produce. Be prepared for a clerk to come rushing to your aid when you really just wanted that one bulb of fennel, but three of them decide to come crashing down on you because foot-long fronds are ridiculous!
Be prepared for a wonderfully full and varied inventory of healthful foods at really good prices. Be prepared to find plenty of affordable organic meats and cage-free eggs. Be prepared to find awesome things that you can't find at other stores! (Seriously, truly whole wheat English muffins and Amish cheese? Yum!!)
Then be prepared for a fast and easy checkout experience, complete with a big easy-to-read screen as your items are being scanned in and your bill tallied. Be prepared to be asked if you would like help to your car each and every time.
Lastly, be prepared to not want to shop anywhere else ever again for your groceries. You have been warned.