| - Have you ever been at a cocktail party and really wanted to impress the folks around you by bragging, "You know, I've fed an ostrich"?! Well, with one trip to the Vegas Zoo, you can make your dreams come true!
Now, don't get me wrong. The other reviewers are right; this zoo is pretty sad. When my mother-in-law moved to Vegas she told us that she felt like they were the animals 'used up' from various Strip acts, sent here to retire. And she's probably right. But, still, the place has a few pretty cool features, like a pretty large petting zoo (mainly goats), monkeys (apes, chimps), preening peacocks, wallabies, and the aforementioned ostriches that you are allowed to feed.
Beware: their mouths move kind of like a puppet, and they pinch.
See, now you're wishing you chatted with me at the last Yelp party! I'd have told you all about it.