A-OK for a latte. The service was nice, and my latte arrived in a timely fashion. Not much different than any other major coffee chain - except one thing...
This, my dear friends, is a service industry. As such, I totally expect, and enjoy, tipping my barista whatever extra amount that is reasonable.
However, there was no tip jar. I find this disconcerting because it usually points to a micro-managing supervisor or some authoritarian policy that disallows hard working people who very likely make close to minimum wage from getting ahead.
What's the deal, Lola? You should allow customers who wish to tip their hard working barista and other staff if they want to. Owners and management must be real jerks.
To the staff who work here - I sure hope the management catches up to 2017 and allows customers like me who have worked in this industry before to tip you for your hard work!