I just pulled up Yelp to see if any reviews mention the sound being better than it was in the past... No such luck. My favorite band is playing there in November, but I've seen them at The Nile (once), and I've seen them at Crescent Ballroom (twice), I've even seen them at The Clubhouse (RIP in peace)... The only place they sound bad is The Nile. So now the Nile wants $20 to see them, and I want some kind of guarantee that The Nile won't suck. They JUST played C Ballroom, so I'm probably going to skip this upcoming show. And, that still sucks a lot. You can't put a price on actually being able to hear the music, I think that's what most of us are there for.
I was going to give 2 stars (out of the kindness of my heart), then I realized that we're talking about a music venue that is bad enough to convince me to miss my favorite band. 1 star.