Since moving here four years ago, the police have allowed stalking, harassment, stealing from my property, trespassing and a noisy neighbor to throw insanely loud parties outside our bedroom window while my husband was going thru chemo. They refuse video evidence and literally stormed our home at 3am because some idiot they were following parked a stolen car in front of our house. They have lied to me (apparently trespassing is ok even if you have signs because you lack a fence in your front yard and its ok to break into someone's house if they believe you have property of theirs inside, both told to me by phx pd), and I'm pretty sure they have lied about me! I have been shot in my legs multiple times while unarmed (I now have painful scars) and was forcefully removed from my house and handcuffed while they were serving me with a restraining order from someone related to another I had an order on and both were waiting down the street to gain possession of my house. The police were actually trying to help these people steal my house!
This is only a smidgen of what I/we have dealt with since moving here. The Phoenix police are domestic terrorists with no accountability. I've tried getting assistance, no one cares!
Do not trust this police department. They are rogue and corrupt and take the sides of criminals, probably because their criminals themselves!!!