Dr. Tan came into my dogs' lives after our regular vet gave us dire news about one of my dog's spondylosis of the spine. That was 39 months ago. I would not give up on her, so I decided to try acupuncture. We'd already tried cold laser therapy with her and it seemed to do some good.
From the first acupuncture treatment in December, 2013, my Clumber Spaniel Pumpkin has done amazing. We have acupuncture and cold laser or massage therapy every two weeks, and can definitely tell the difference if we skip a week. Clumber Spaniels generally live to be about 12 years old at the most, and Pumpkin is now 15 1/2.
Dr. Tan has also treated our other two dogs with cold laser and Chinese herbs. She found an osteosarcoma on one of their legs, and treated that dog with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. She lived almost ten months after that. She also treated my 16-year old Cocker Spaniel who had a myriad of problems her entire life.
I am happy to give a testimony to the acupuncture treatment. Dogs are not influenced according to how they're supposed to feel after acupuncture; rather, I can tell more easily by the elimination of pain and her mobility. It truly works wonders with her.
I would strongly encourage anyone to contact Dr. Tan, especially if you want to try some alternative treatments that may give you and your pet precious additional months together.