| - This poor rating for Sushi Koma is really a poor rating to all of you Yelpers out there.
To be fair, maybe it should just be for the 20 or so people dining at Sushi Koma this afternoon, when my friend and I were there.
Never mind the fact that I bragged about Sushi Koma to my friend, and won the battle of whose sushi place we would visit today. Never mind the fact that I ate at Sushi Koma last week and it was good. And never mind the fact that every other AYCE place in town is going down hill too.
AYCE sushi in Vegas is going down the toilet.
Let me explain:
The rice was crap. That's all, enough said.
Two things I am most disappointed about: the fact that no one else had a problem with the rice, and they tried to charge me for two AYCE, even though we stopped after the first order came out. In the end, they finally comp'd one of the two meals, but if you added up the a la cart price for the sushi we did received (crap though it was), it would still not have come to one AYCE price.
So, basically we got ripped off twice.
Today's visit was a 0 star, but I know Sushi Koma can do better (or at least they used to), so I am being generous with 2 stars.
But to all my fellow Yelpers: come on people, we deserve better than this. Stand up and start demanding better sushi, including the rice.
And to all the AYCE sushi joints out there - STOP PRE-CUTTING YOUR FISH! It increases the surface area that is exposed to oxidization and accelerates the deterioration - in other words, it makes it nasty.