They use the typical tactics to get you to sign for an overpriced car but try to make you think you robbed their children on their college tuition money. If you think you ever got a deal here you were played. They couldn't be more scripted and I would never buy here. Tried to sweet talk me into a truck that I found online same type exactly in some cases even lower miles for thousands, yes thousands less than what they tried to tell me was the deal of the century. Best part is the truck was listed online on their website the one we were negotiating for even a couple hundred less than what they offered as bottom dollar. Please for gods sake go home and do research before settling here on a car. They want to force you to buy asap before you realize you made a mistake. Don't let that new car feeling cost you a small fortune. Research and then you make your offer take it or leave it. Otherwise they will swindle you.