| - Oh, IKEA. I could go on about IKEA, rapturously, for paragraphs and paragraphs, but I'll restrain myself. I'm sure it's all been said. Instead, a love letter based on my most recent experience.
Dear IKEA.
How I love your drop-off play area. My children are already begging to return. They just can't wait to get that sixth sticker on their card so they earn a free frozen yogurt.
My meatballs were delicious and my mashed potatoes piping hot. I'm actually a little sad that even the smaller portion left me stuffed, because I really wanted to steal a bite of my mom's panini.
I know some people hate on the construction of your products, but I will always love your Billy bookshelves. Can I just move into the Billy display library, actually? It's basically my dream home, summed into one room. No? Well, I'll just assemble my own collection one piece at a time. How nice to know that it'll still be available when I'm ready/able to buy more, as you've been selling the Billy for over 30 years.
I'm pretty sure a cheaply-made, disappointing product wouldn't have that kind of fan base.
Oh, and by the way, I was right. That $3 frying pan DOES make a fantastic grilled cheese sandwich.
Until next time IKEA.. with love.