The only reason I rated this store as high as two stars was that they had what I wanted in stock. The (apparently) new salesman was interested mainly in getting me to the register to ring me up. I purchased a new Epiphone LP from the displayed guitars on the wall. I had to ask the salesman to wipe off the many fingerprints. After ringing me up, he just handed me the guitar. No box. No paperwork. No truss rod wrench. Nothing. They refused to give me a box to transport the guitar. They begrudgingly gave me a plastic bag to get the guitar to my vehicle in the rain. I would have purchased a hard case had my skin not been crawling. No, I didn't want strings, protection plan nor anything else which would give this company another dime of my money. The floor manager gave me only the impression that I was being jerked around. I would've bagged the whole thing if I hadn't driven an hour to get there for this specific guitar. The guitar is fine. I'll get my next fine guitar elsewhere.