| - I heart Loveland. Let me count the ways.
1. Well, the clothes, of course. For example, I was desperate for a new, cute dress for a night out at the museum a few weeks ago, and scoured my brain for options in Tempe: Urban Outfitters - their clothes are simply not well-made or quality enough for the price and rarely fit anyone nicely; Buffalo - yeah, if I'm in the mood for a hunt and peck shopping day where one out of 30 items is worth trying on; Sunset - better than Buffalo but no guarantees. Not only is Loveland on par with Frances and Bunky, two of my downtown faves, they have a bigger, more varying selection: if you loved Zoey Deshanel's wardrobe in 500 Days, there are skirts and blouses right up your alley here; there are also basic summer maxis, structured vintage-style dresses a la mad men, cute, comfy t-shirts, pretty coats, happy hour appropriate blouses, lounge pants, denim (not a ton, but a bit), fancy party dresses and more. Finally, Tempe got that much cooler.
2. The owners, one of which I met on my first trip in, because they have excellent taste in music (listening to Lykke Li and The Blow instead of Pink makes all the difference during a hot, stuffy, marathon of trying clothes on) and because just one of their buying philosophies is "every dress should have pockets." Hallelujah!
3. Kids' stuff. My BFF just found out her little eggo is preggo, and now I actually peruse this kind of stuff and was delighted with my finds here. What I thought were cute totes that I would actually buy were mini stroller bags. They also had an adorable girl's dress in the cutest 70s pattern and style that, if it were larger, I would wear myself. And the boy's ensembles were cute without being predictable, and all the clothes were soft, soft, soft. I made many, many mental notes for upcoming baby-related events.
4. Jewelry. Unique and either edgy, or pretty, or just fun, for reasonable prices.
5. It's location. Tempe desperately needs more sophisticated bars, restaurants and shopping that appeals to young(ish), urbanites and hip professionals - not just college-age hipsters. Loveland is one of few such options, and I want to shout from a mountain top how important it is to support it!