It's true, what Faith D. said about the wait being only 30 minutes. Unfortunately that 30 minutes is spent standing in a line. No ticket-and-chair system going on. Expect to stand. And there were some truly horrendous attitudes here. The whole system is divided into two sections, and one poor lady asked the staff which line she needed to get in.
"The Title line," she was told
"Which line is that?"
"The Title line"
"Is that the line I'm in?"
"The Title line"
"Yes yes, but is THIS the Title line or should I be in the other one?"
This continued, a humorless perversion of Abbott and Costello, until a helpful soul stepped out of line to direct her fellow victim... er... I mean customer.
I think I lucked out in finding a friendly representative. She was polite and even corrected a couple errors that the dealer had made on the title. But like every DMV, expect abuse and be pleased if you receive better.