| - Terrific desert hiking trails conveniently located close to Tempe, AZ. Lots of trails and mountains branch off a main wide trail.
I only hiked a fraction of this park. And I've seen pictures of trails further in, such as fat man's pass, it looks remarkable! But I really enjoyed my early morning hike in here. Climbing up the first mountain on the left upon entering, it was refreshingly more rugged than I expected but very enjoyable and exhilarating! And it didn't take more than 15 to 20 minutes to get to the top of this smaller peak, A great little side hike!
After coming down this mountain, I returned to the main trail which goes right between a bunch of mountains on the ground level. I can see other trails running parallel off to my right side, with joggers and other groups exploring those.
Mountain biking here is common as well. Really a great place to go if you're looking to do some easily accessible hiking. The fauna at least near the entrance to the park, wasn't the best I've seen. But it definitely was good, solid desert terrain and enjoyable.
I explored a few other side trails and hills. Overall I liked it so much I plan to go back there the next day, especially since it's closer to my hotel then other favorites like Camelback Mountain and Tom Thumb mountain.
Just a warning, during 2017 they are doing construction at the entrance to this park. They make you park a half a mile away from the trailhead, which is inconvenient. You spend your first half mile of your hike walking down the access road to get to the trailhead. But besides that, it was a very exciting experience.
Definitely recommended for hiking in the Tempe, AZ area.