Gateway gets a "0" from me!! In the past they have always been helpful until my son crossed over into Orthodontics.
Don't get me wrong.. The Orthodontist is a wonderful/informative lady. The problem I have is w/ the Office Manager Rosa!!! Rosa has given incorrect information concerning billing/insurance. The prices that were quoted to me were incorrect. Plus she was determined to set me up on a payment plan stating that neither of my son's insurances will cover needed treatment. (I am aware that there will be some out of packet cost!! But the entire $6000???) This info was 100% incorrect!!! Instead of stating that a mistake was made and lets find a solution.... She did offer to have the needed work pre auth from the insurance company... again stated this would take weeks.. (Solution.. simple customer service 101!! Pick up the phone and get needed answers ASAP for your paying customer!!!)Prior I ask for feedback... I received none. I was told the lady that handles the Ortho billing would call me.. no feedback. I ask to speak to the dentist. I was told he was unavailable. I do enough medical coding & billing to know when something is wrong. I have done my research and plan to take this to the next level!! I have wasted time, gas, and insurance benefits to get no results!!!! HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!