| - My Wife's family invited us out to dinner here a few weeks ago, the exterior looks like an old frontier town and inside there's a gift shop and the entire restaurant has ties hanging from the ceiling with business cards on the walls, apparently, if you wear a tie here they cut it off and hang it from the ceiling. Needless to say the amount of people wearing t-shirts with windsor knotted ties was astounding, the attraction definitely seems to be in the novelty, They also had a country crooner type singer that was way too loud and got annoying quickly.
The food was OK at best, I ordered a steak and chicken combo, with a baked potato, the chicken was a 1/4 chicken so if you're squeemish about bones, avoid this. The Steak was somewhat devoid of flavor so I ended up dishonoring it with A1. They also serve cowboy beans family style to the table, They are also surprise, surprise "Devoid of flavor".
the table ended up splitting some apple pie/ice cream desserts, which were actually pretty good.
if you're looking for an "Authentic cowboy" meal, well this might be the place, just don't be surprised when you find out what authentic tastes like.