| - i had an online coupon to try this place out and it was well worth it. 75 mins of bodily feel-goodednes.
my massage therapist started me on a sort of "warm up" by lying on a mechanical, heated massage table for about 10 minutes. after that, she took me to the massage room and asked if i would like to be stretched, which is rough for me, considering i have tendons, ligaments, and muscles akin to steel bands.
after that, she pressed and kneaded and ground out alot of my aches and knots. this wasn't a relaxing massage....more of therapeutic one. however, i did feel extremely awake, yet calm and clear afterwards.
for the finishing touch, she had me lay face down and did a mechanical percussion to my back which actually felt pretty good.
twas a great experience. the facility is clean, spacious and sort of contemporary, but the massage rooms are as cozy and soothing as they come. they also offer accupucture and chiropractic services which i didn't have time to take part in.