I used to come here often for mass on saturday because it fulfilled the obligation for sunday. It looks relatively small on the outside but don't let that fool you. Like they say don't judge a book by its cover. The inside of this beautiful cathedral is OUTSTANDING. The murals, stain glass, the cross, the two stories.
My family and I took a trip down here on friday night for the Ordination of the Diaconate in other words the Bishop ordained Permanent deacons into the Diocese. It was a 2.5 hour long service with a beautiful reception afterwards. At least two priests from each parish around the diocese was present and 6 men were ordained.
The church is located on the strip and is within walking distance of the nearest hotel so if you are a tourist that is good because you won't have to deal with traffic. If you are a local AVOID ENTERING AND EXITING from the strip uses smaller streets if you can. It helps to avoid the mess of traffic that there is on the strip.
Locals or tourists PLEASE TURN OFF your cell phones it really is bothersome when it goes off in church. it disrupts from what we are truly there for.