I went to Le Gourmand after hearing them win a large cookie competition. So my expectations were high going in, and man, I was not disappointed.
I tasted 5 of their cookies, and 1 of their souffles (not at 1 time haha - my stomach would explode).
Every bit of anything they make is like a taste of heaven. You forget everything in the world - that's how good everything tastes. Even though it's their chocolate chip cookie that won the award, and made them famous, everything I tried was incredible.
The only place where they lost a point is on washroom cleanliness. I've only been to their washroom once, so maybe it's not a reflection of how it usually is, but that one time I went, it wasn't very clean (it wasn't horrible, either). But if you're just getting your cookie to go, that's not really a factor.