I was raised on their products. For over 25 years I have ate their kielbasa, smokies, sausages. I am big fan of their original products and do like to enjoy the new stuff they have come out with the past 10 years. I will tell you one great tidbit of advice get there early on the days their open, if you see them bring up new product that just came from their own smokehouse do whatever you can to get that. You will never taste anything better than it still warm and the snap of the casing as you bite into is unforgettable. If you have a smoker I suggest you buy their fresh kielbasa and smoke it yourself. It's great. When shopping in the market get yourself a roll/bagel and ask for a few slices of lunch meat and put some of their goose liver (pork liver pâté) it adds a great dimension to the food. Or if you buy smokies throw it in the microwave for ten seconds before you bite into it. The flavors come out even more. Especially with the cheese smokies. I could go on, just order something new along with your traditional purchases. Trust me you will enjoy it.