Way overpriced!!!! Told me I needed a gas valve- that alone was $854 and couldn't get the part right away. The repair man I used was $500 and went to a warehouse and got it in 30 min. George Brazil told me that they would not do the repair unless I got a crane to move my unit over two inches. That was $700. FOR A CRANE! The repair man I used didn't use a crane. He used himself and another man, plus they replaced my bolts and repositioned my stand. Price for that was $100. My repair man said that there was no reason to use a crane for that repair. The guy I used also found my ignition was faulty. Something that was not caught by GB. So I would have been $1600 in and would have no other choice to get something else fixed. I paid $900 total for all my repairs and repositioning. THAT IS $700 + that I saved. This place is a joke. And yes my repair man was lic. and bonded.