My 16 year old daughter is suffering greatly with enlarged tonsils and needs them out. She get throat infections constantly and is unable to function properly. Our Doctor has requested an appointment with Dr. Monica Hoy at the Alberta Children's Hospital - twice, but they DO NOT return calls or requests for appt. I am told that since my daughter is 16 - I have NO choice but to wait for this one throat Dr. at the Children's Hospital to get back to us for an appt. Well - this is totally unacceptable! Why should my daughter have to suffer needlessly waiting for one doctor in this entire city - when there are several Throat specialists besides Ms. Hoy. This is exactly why we need private health care. I am extremely upset and have had my limit when dealing with the Children's Hospital. My son had to also wait one year to see a knee specialist. The Alberta Health Care system is truly broken. It's great that it's a beautiful and friendly facility but the service is unacceptable.