Another day, another Pho restaurant! I love Pho.. Did I tell you how much I love it? Lol I don't have any check in for this place bc I haven't been eating around in this area, but this would be my go-to place for Pho. The staff are friendly but very loud. It's best that you sit away from the cash area bc like all older Asians, they're loud lol! I'm not sure if friendly is the best word to describe them because they have done some extremely friendly deeds to a few of my friends. During the huge blackout back in 2003, a friend and her family had no place to go to or eat (no food at home). They went everywhere for food but none of the restaurants welcomed them. So they happen to pass by this place and the owner asked them if they were looking for food. Keep in mind the restaurant had already closed bc of the blackout. The owner welcomed them in and fed them, prepped them food for the NEXT DAY all for free too (obviously they paid at the end). That is how goodness should spread and how giving should be, unconditionally. I always tip them more than I should bc I know the owner has the biggest heart I have witnessed in recent years!
I'm giving this place 4.5 stars bc food, rep and goodness are not enough for a restaurant alone. I doc'ed 0.5 off bc the overall cleanliness of this place, especially the washroom, is unbearable. You can smell the washroom before you open the door and it's a pretty serious issue bc it's right beside the kitchen. Overall a very good place! :)
They speak Vietnamese, Cantonese and Mandarin (not 100% sure on the last one)