I give Costco a total of five stars.
So the husband and I went in to see whats all the fuss is about. First off let me say they nag you a bit when u get a card. In our case we each got one. They take your picture and put it on the card. We made it clear that we have never been here so we would like to look around try it out blah blah blah...The lady who took our pictures understood this. However her boss acted like a total retard. Would u like to upgrade? No, maybe after we look around and stuff. Maybe after we shop here and see if we like it. Anyway she kept on talking and begging us to upgrade or membership. Wait for it.....(rolls my eyes) I could have done without her. She was just to much. She even gave us the puppy dog look. trying to make us feel guilty. LMAO yeah I'm the Queen of No...Just ask my husband. I can tell you no and I don't care how you beg. (Giggles) Long story short....They should just keep her in the back someplace. Because I almost told my husband never mind this lets just go get Sam's cards. Once inside the store I was like wow! Food for the God's huh? Well, don't I feel like one of the cool kids in class. (Dances around in a annoying tone... Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na) I have a cool Costco card! And some of you don't. First off they give free samples of so many different items. I walked around trying this and a little of that. I did not have to have lunch I filled up on free samples. lol Hands down this store is super cool. And I even tried some new fruit. I believe its called a applepear. My husband got a new computer. We both love this store. Any store who sells GAIN in large amounts is the store for me. Its super clean the staff are super nice. I cant wait to shop their again.