Glen did my tattoo, I am very happy with how it turned out and I love it! I can't give old town ink 5 stars in general because I use Yelp often and was mislead by the information provided on the yelp page. There is a 40% off all walk in tattoos check in offer. I check in frequently on yelp to the places I visit as a customer. Upon checking in, the fine print showed up and this offer was limited to like 4 days in November for new artists. It's February.. Why is the offer still visible if it won't be honored? Also the hours have changed, it is only open until 9pm on week days. No big deal except it says they are open until 10pm.. Therefore showing up at 8:15pm as a walk in.. Probably isn't their most favorite thing. I was worried they might feel rushed and just try to finish before closing, I did ask if he felt rushed and he said no so I went ahead with it. Luckily I love my tattoo and whether Glen was rushing or not I'll never know but I did appreciate his work. Basically I would not have shown up 45 mins prior to closing if I was aware of the closing time, it made me feel a little rushed. I voiced both of these matters directly to the front desk girl.. Saying the info on yelp should probably be updated.