| - Wow. Wow. Wow. I distrust vet offices as much as my dogs dislike them; however, PV Animal Hospital has made a loyal fan out of me. I have referred my family's dogs and many co-workers to this hospital. Dr. Weineker (sp?) was one of the NICEST vets I have ever met in the 11 years I have owned dogs. You can tell he truly enjoys what he does and cares about the pets and the people. There were times during the visit I felt like I should interrupt the vet from playing with my dog to ask what was wrong with my dog because the two looked like 'a boy and his dog' on a great summer day. I was wrong. He was skillfully and purposefully examining my pet in such a way as to keep my dog calm and happy and as distracted as possible from the necessary unpleasantries of the exam. He was incredible with my dog. As a professional, he did not speak down to me as the patient owner NOR did he give me ANY high pressured sales pitches of various treatments. He told me in a matter of fact way what my dog needed and why. The WHY is very important to me. He was candid with me and told me what was necessary and what was optional and for how long it may be optional before it became a necessity (my dog is older).
The front office staff and the vet support staff also made me a fan of this office. They were the friendliest individuals I have ever met in a vet office. One thing I took note of that I have NEVER EVER seen at a vet of the desk ladies offered to fill in the forms for me while I read her my answers because she saw the difficulty I was having in keeping my dog still, balancing the clipboard, and the other items I had in my hand...and unknown to her, I was still very weak recovering from a serious illness. Her simple gesture of sincere kindness started the tone of the visit and that pleasantness continued until I walked out the front door.
The front office has a split design that is hard for me describe, but in short, there are waist high swing doors that separate one side of the waiting room from the other which made it much easier to check in and out as your pet is separated from other patients who are in the process of coming or going. For the 1st time ever, I was able to take my time and read the check out papers and give legible signatures because my arms were not being yanked back and forth by my dog's leash as he tried to play or sniff the pets waiting to check in as we were on the opposite side of the swing doors, essentially, closed off in a separate check out area. At the end of the visit, I was asked if I needed help loading my dog into my vehicle. (I was recovering from some ailment that had me laid up for over a week at home. I was no longer contagious, but I'm sure I looked like death after a bout with the flu, the common cold, food poisoning, a hang nail and a paper cut.)
The front office staff displayed the same friendliness to any other person who came through the front door and even greeted some patients and humans by name. My dog and I both felt at ease here and although I want my dog to stay healthy so I never have need to go back, it is certainly an animal I would look forward to having to visit again.
I do not recall for certain, but I believe when I made my appt over the phone, I was asked if I would need assistance unloading my dog from the car to bring him in. That doesn't seem like much, but it is significant. I am physically capable of doing so, but I will always remember the time my disabled mother called me from a DIFFERENT vet's office in tears of pain and shame because she could not unload her very large, elderly Great Dane from the SUV and the vet's staff said they couldn't assist because of liability reasons. My mother sat with her dog for close to 45 minutes in the parking lot crying until another patient pulled up and did what the vet's staff should have done....helped an elderly disabled woman unload her equally infirmed Great Dane from the vehicle and into the clinic. (PS, please no one tell my mother I referred to her as elderly in this review because she can wield that cane like a Samurai warrior when she needs to and I like being able to walk without a cane of my own.)
My mother now also uses PV Animal Hospital and also swears it is the nicest, most reasonable vet office she has ever had to visit.
PV Animal Hospital will receive my family's support and recommendation until the day we loose all common sense and cease being pet owners.