I took a chance with DNA since they were close to my work and I needed some work done before I went out to SF for AIDS/LifeCycle.
I figured that they would be more accommodating than Landis, since Landis can be busy and I needed rush work. (I procrastinate a lot.) I wasn't wrong and they were able to fit everything I needed in on schedule.
They were also able to squeeze in a fitting with Jon. I was open to suggestions but I didn't think I was sized badly, boy was I wrong. Let's just say I have knees made of iron because I should have blown them out with how low my seat was. At least this explains why doing a 1.4 mile hill at 11% grade was harder than expected. I got hooked up with a new post and seat, and my clips were adjusted.
This was my second year doing the 545 mile ride, and with my new fit this year I was flying up those hills like they were nothing. Woot!