So I been coming here for many years now. I would consider myself a loyal customer. In fact, I visit anywhere from 2-4 times a week. Today I overheard a customer asking about a figit spinner. I heard her say "only 711 carries them." I let her know that Walgreens also sells them and that I got one at the 711 down the street. When I got up to the counter, Jay smartly says "you just made me lose a customer." I thought he was joking. Then again and continuously kept telling me "you made me lose a customer, you don't do that." Tells me this while he is holding a spinner. Apparently she didn't want the LAST one that they had in a color that she did NOT want! I ignore home and ask for the cigarettes that I went in to buy. Tells me "no I don't have any." He continued to joke in a serious way and said "why don't you go down the street. That's what you did. You made lose a customer." I said "are you serious." He said yes! I took my cigarettes and left. Not only did he embarrass me in front of the multiple customers that were standing in line, it was not my intention to make him feel like he lost a customer. In fact, he just lost me as one.