I seriously dread and love going here at the same time. They have great singles of beer which is my go-to gift for my fiance, but it's ALWAYS a hassle at check out. Last time the (extremely nice) cashier said that the manager had just redone the sku book and there were things missing. When the MOD came over to assist (5 minutes later) the cashier and he were bantering back and forth about her not feeling well and going home and he was saying she had to stay. I said she should get to go home unless he fixes the sku book. I got a blank stare.
The next time I was in (3/31 8pm) the lines were long and the manager was needed at one register (apparently they have to double check all IDs that are 21- seriously... make your fake IDs for a 22 year old kids!). We all got to watch this jerk-off saunter over to the register. Taking his. sweet. little. time. UUUURRRRGGGG! Granted, I was grumpy. But as a former manager I know when I see something amiss in service and it is acutely visible in this store's management. I guess they haven't noticed the job postings online or they just don't care.