Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal and Strawberries Wild first thing in the morning can be the rocket fuel that gets me through half the day. I got burned out on Starbucks and decided to start stopping here. I've enjoyed it ever since.
Service can be frustrating though. I went in one morning at 7:15 and the guy was just starting to make the oatmeal and he didn't tell me until after I ordered. It takes Jamba Juice 45 min to make their oatmeal is what I learned later, so this guy must have thought I was going to sit there for 45 min? Uh, no. He got read the lite version of the riot act for that problem. My point here is for breakfast if you don't see the oatmeal steaming behind the counter, your morning person is having some issues. Buy something else, plan accordingly.
But when you get Scott or some of the others working at this location it will be fast, hot, and damn good. 4 Stars - Consistently good food, and usually good service. Oh and they know how to make wheat grass shots and not take forever to do it.