Those who have more than 1 star have been far too generous...5 stars?!?!?...You must be smoking crack...
This company is the WORST to deal with. Been a tenant with them for 2 years. Had 4 maintenance requests made over this time period.
Every time I've had to send in requests like "5TH REQUEST!!! HELP!!!" etc. Seriously. Even things like "Our hot water heater was shooting a stream of water into the air". "5TH REQUEST"...
Sure, I was able to get a lease and give them money without hassle (using a non-Haven Homes agent on my end), my rent payments go through on time every month without hassle thanks to the internet. Heck anything that involves giving them money goes through sweet and easy - anything that involves some sort of response or effort, forget it.
In the end it's Las Vegas - chances are every property management company sucks to deal with - similarly chances are that most tenants are too.