Lived near this place for seven years and was looking to locate a nearer Mexican restaurant to my house than taking a drive to Manuels.
Saying Mexican food in the UK means pretty much one kind of cuisine and a fixed range of flavors, here we at least have attempts at many variations and regions ( though mostly from the USA it seems) and this is what I would consider to be the default for the type.
Nothing too spicy,sadly, and not much more than choosing your arrangement of beans, flour ,meat and cheese in slightly differing patterns. I rather like the red chili they have and wouldn't mind it isolated from it's floury strait-jacket the next time I go here. All fresh, all hot, all tasty if you are in the mode for Mexican a la USA without needing to shoot yourself for going into "On the Border"
Service really good on the Sunday AM (kids eat free) food is generic to a fault and if they were to the cheaper side of the street it would be 3.5 and pushing it close to 4 but this may as well be Macao's or a Manuel's for all the difference it makes.