I have no idea why the previous reviewer didn't have a great time at In The Spirit. Once again, I agree with Jennifer K. ITS is a great community addition. It has a great welcoming vibe and this studio doubles as a wine lounge in the P.M. I would have never thought that yoga and wine have any business mixing prior to my visit, but the owner has made it work somehow. My fellow yogi, Janna, and I were welcomed to lounge around before our class began. We opted for the restorative class as a great way to end off the weekend. The studio is beautifully decorated and should find its way onto a feature of a local decoration magazine.
The class is wonderful and the yoga instructor found a great medium to have us, both stretch and relax blissfully. She made the most use of props I've ever experienced in a restorative yoga class. Ever. She also came around and very willingly encouraged modifications. Every one of us received complete one on one attention. So it's true, most of the women were over 45, but how does that matter if the class is awesome and the service is great. No one was disturbing the class through chatter and the yogis were all very respectful.
After our class we were welcomed lounge around and have some tea. I noticed a menu with snacks. This is such an interesting studio and I'd love to be back.