| - You know what lesson I learned here? If you bought tickets to The Dark Knight at the Palms IMAX and have two hours to kill, it's not a good idea to drop in with your cousin to get ink. Not that that's what I did... (rolls eyes around, whistles...)
Seriously, I came here almost on a whim. You see, I knew I wanted to get one of two things inked: either the Captain America shield, or the Cobra logo (the one from GI Joe, not the car). When I asked the tattoo artist guy which he thought would be cooler, he said the Cobra one, for sure, and I'd be on my way to being a BAMF. Not being a BAMF at all, I decided I HAD TO GET COBRA ON MY ARM. I did. Well, I had to wait a few minutes while they finished my cousins cross. But as soon she was done, the guy started working on me. At first, I just wanted part of the Cobra done, but he talked me into getting the whole thing done and filled in. He was right, it does look cooler, though I'm only marginally on my way to being more bad ass.
I know that my friend who came with my thought it took forever to get my ink done, but it didn't seem like that long at all. The guy who did my arm, whose name I have sadly forgotten, was really good and talkative and answered all the questions I had about tattoos and ink and what he thinks of certain tattoos and this and the weather and that. The point is, he really put me at ease. At one point, when the process seemed to be burning more than I would've liked, he let up for a minute. He was really cool about not making a joke about a wimpy dude getting a Cobra tattoo.
I'm really happy with my tattoo, and I know I'll come here once I decide what my next one will be (currently debating the Captain America shield, or the spider that Spider-Man has on his back and/or chest... message me your thoughts if you have any).