Lyft is kind of hit or miss in this town. I use them for the following reasons:
Uber is more expensive
My husband and I share a car and he works much farther away than I do
My rides generally (used to) cost about $5 before tip
Yes, I tip and you have to be a really terrible driver for me not to. But I digress.
Lyft has a neat little thing called Lyft Line where you can share a ride with people and it will be less expensive. I have used that service and met some interesting people.
In the past few weeks, Lyft has been hailing cars from further and further away. I was at Container Park downtown and my first car (that I cancelled) was at Eastern and Tropicana. My second car (that I cancelled) was at Decatur and the 95! I switched to the regular service ($3 more expensive) and BLAM! magically there is an available car just one minute away. Wow. All three of these transactions were within about 30 seconds of each other and there is a constant stream of cars running in the downtown area so I'm not crazy AND it's not the first time it's happened. You're not doing your drivers any favors with that ish, Lyft so knock it off.
Back to the drivers for a minute. My husband drove for Lyft for a while so I know they do a car inspection. I also know the majority of people use their personal vehicles. By no means does this mean I want to get into some rancid, cigarette-smelling stank car. Disgusting. I shouldn't need to shower after being in someone's car for eight minutes, okay?
Also drivers: don't try to sell me makeup or Lularoe or homemade fudge or anything out of your car. Ever. So tacky.
The good drivers are great. Tip them well.