Been buying my glasses at Rapp seemingly forever. Every single time the (different) sales person studied my face carefully, walked about with the small velvet tray judiciously picking a pair of frames here and there. One of those 5 or 6 frames: my accompanying fashion maven says, "Yes! That's the pair!" . . . . . . . . . . Regarding my present frames: Strangers come up to me often enough I keep a log. NYC: "Never saw glasses like that before and I live in New York City!", Up-scale pizzeria, Cleveland, Ohio: "Oh. . . Toronto has all the best glasses!" (?!), San Francisco bus seat mate (a stranger): "I like your glasses a lot!" . . . . . Brooks Brothers: "That hat! Your jacket! Those glasses! The whole nine yards!" . . . . . . . . Yesterday, Toronto: My skin doctor's receptionist: "I love your glasses - they're green! I love green!"