Yo ho A pirate's life for me... Aye me 'earties, come join me down below me ship where I keep me barrels of rum and me loot.... Aye... enter at your own risk! Don't drink and drive... Dead Men tell no Tales... *end pirate speak*
Absolutely magnificent! If I could give them 6 stars, I would. They've turned and repurposed what used to be an oil changing business into an enjoyable get way from the realities of the Sonoran Desert!
If you like island cocktails, then you'll love going here to have your island cocktail while sitting in the bowls of that pirate ship. Wed-Sat, make a reservation!!! And for Pete's sake, DO NOT BE LATE!
And grant it... I'm not even sure its a pirate boat, but I have so turned it into on in my head.
Yes..matie, the drinks are pricey. But you're paying for a totally unique experience.
Drink up me 'earties...
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