I would rate this zero stars if I could.
I have never felt as disgusting as I had this day, floating down this disgusting swampy river.
The worst part of it was that there was no turning back once I got on the tube and started floating away. I wanted to cry after just the first half hour down the river. The drunks were really getting on my nerves and people were screaming and splashing me.
People were so drunk they had no idea what they are doing! There were beer cans everywhere and a bunch of trash all along the river. My friend even cut herself on a sharp piece of aluminum.
People were loudly telling everybody that they were peeing in the water. I'm sure many people do pee in the river because there is no place to stop along the way. I also saw a fish while I was going down the river and felt so bad for him. I didn't even know anything could live in that river, except for a cesspool of bacteria.
Right when I got home I took the longest shower of my life! I felt so disgusting. I still didn't feel clean after and didn't for a while later.
Let's just say I will never float down this revolting river again!